March 16, 2025
Seashore Trolley Museum

Seashore Trolley Museum

Opening Day at Seashore
Watson (our 8 month old puppy) and I made our way north to Maine .  Not only were we going on a trolley ride, we were going do some hiking on the Smith Preserve which is part of the Kennebunkport Conservation Trust Trails.  In 2013 the museum partnered up with the trust, giving the riders an opportunity to ride and hike. The trust created the “Trolley Trail” to link up the two organizations.  Also last year the museum became a dog friendly facility, after a successful dog day event.

Trip out to Talbott Park
We boarded the Boston Elevated Railway Trolley 5821 at the Visitor Center and made our way Talbott park.  At Talbott Park  we deboard the trolley and made our way to the trail system via the Atlantic Shore Line Railway right-of-way. The Museum currently owns 5 miles of this historical right-of-way and operates on nearly two miles of it. This was my first time exploring the right of way beyond Talbott Park. The tracks end just after Talbott Park and the roadbed becomes a gravel trail in the forest. The Smith Preserve Trail Entrance is a little over a 1/4 of a mile on the left.

Watson riding Boston Elevated Railway Trolley 5821
Watson riding Boston Elevated Railway Trolley 5821
Boston Elevated Railway Trolley 5821
Boston Elevated Railway Trolley 5821 at Talbott Park
Atlantic Shore Line Railway right-of-way just beyond Talbott Park
Atlantic Shore Line Railway right-of-way just beyond Talbott Park

SSTM2014_TrailMapSmith Preserve
Once in Smith Preserve you can explore the 10 miles of recreational trails in this 1,100 acre wildlife habitat. The Trails are clearly marked and maps are located at each trail junction.  We were able to explore Trolley Trail and most of the Steele Trail.  When we have more time we want do this again.

>>  Information about Smith Preserve
>>  Download the Smith Preserve Trail Map

If you’re going to visit the museum and do some hiking you need to let them know at the visitor center.  They will give you an additional ticket and schedule for deboarding and boarding at Talbott Park.  There is no additional cost to do the hiking your museum admission fee covers everything. Trolleys normally run every 45 minutes.

Smith Preserve Trail
Smith Preserve Trail
Smith Preserve Trail Marker
Smith Preserve Trail Marker
Watson Hiking on "Trolley Trail"
Watson Hiking on “Trolley Trail”

By the way…
The Seashore Trolley Museum is celebrating it’s 75th year of preserving mass transit history. The museum has tons of events planned.  I hope to attend the “Seashore Trolley Dog Day“, “Founder’s Day Trolley Parade“, and Members Day to just name a few. Stay tuned for more blog entries and photos!

Railroad Scanner
160.4700 Road
160.5000 Yard Ops